Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Jobless in Tacoma - 2 Events This Week

First--there is a job fair Thursday, April 23, at TCC for both students and the community. Yes, I'll be competing with the students for jobs, and no, there doesn't look to be a whole lot of jobs in my field. But I'm going, nevertheless. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Many employers will be there.

Second--there is a Musicians Fund benefit for Dean Tsapralis at the Imperial Dragon Restaurant this Sunday, April 26, from 2:30 - 10:00 p.m. 6805 6th Ave. Many bands will be there. Come, party, and help a good friend.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

For Linda - Here's to 50 More!

My sister is awesome. Actually, both my sisters are awesome, but this one is for Linda, who is going to be turning 50 this month. Lin always enjoyed a healthy appetite and spirit, but started getting concerned about her energy level and general health a few years ago. In her usual decisive manner, she took the bull by the horns, got a few books, and went vegan. Two years later, she really dropped a bomb by announcing that she quit drinking (an event which, for a Wisconsin girl, is akin to hell freezing over). Then, after reading up on raw foods, she took the final step into a totally raw, gluten free diet. Now, lest you think Lin has turned into one of these nit-picky, preachy, tee-totally types, au contraire! She still has her bawdy sense of humor and her live-and-let-live attitude, and she still loves her omnivorous, tippling sisters.

I found myself sounding suspiciously like our mother as I asked her if she was getting enough vitamins and minerals, but she assured me she was. I still had trouble imagining a happy life without brats, beer, cheese, and pasta, but after being wowed by this recipe she sent me, I can rest easy that she is finding delicious things to eat. As an omnivore, I can attest that this fabulously pungent, garlicky cilantro pesto will stand up against any pesto containing “forbidden” products. It calls for a few products not in most peoples’ cupboards, but they are out there. I did substitute kelp for the dulse, which seemed to work fine. Chlorella is expensive, but you only need a pinch and Lin had a bunch, so she sent me some in the mail. I questioned the wisdom of sending a baggie full of mysterious green powder in the mail, but it arrived safely, I was not arrested, and it didn’t look like anyone tried to open it and smoke it.

I also questioned the purpose of soaking the nuts and seeds overnight. It seemed to me like that might leach the nutrients out, but Lin had an answer. Soaking causes them to sprout, which actually adds nutrients. This pesto is a chelating agent, which means it binds with heavy metals to remove them from the cells and allows them to be eliminated from the body. Of course, it then adds good nutrients back into the body from the nuts, seeds and greens. And it is delicious. I invited a friend over to help me sample it, and we devoured massive amounts, albeit not exactly in the manner Linda intended for us. While she uses this as a dressing over lettuce, we immediately ruined the purity of it by slathering it on oven-warmed French bread, sprinkling it with grated parmesan, and washing it down with more than a few glasses of red wine. Sorry, Lin!

One final word; I didn’t have all the kitchen tools that are listed here, and did fine with just a blender and a spatula. So don’t let a lack of stuff keep you from trying this recipe. Without further ado, here’s the recipe, here’s to you, Lin, and here’s to fifty more!

Kitchen tools needed:
Food processor
Lemon squeezer
Glass Mason jar with cover
Rubber spatula
Garlic press

Ingredients needed:
4 garlic cloves, minced
1/3 cup raw Brazil nuts
1/3 cup raw sunflower seeds
1/3 cup raw pumpkin seeds
2 tablespoons dulse flakes (a form of dried seaweed)
1 lemon, juiced
2 cups fresh cilantro (one bunch)
2/3 cups flax seed oil
1/3 cup distilled water (or more if you want more liquid)
1/8 teaspoon chlorella powder (dried fresh water algae)

Soak the nuts and seeds in some distilled water overnight; drain
Process all ingredients several minutes
Use spatula frequently around inside of processor
Refrigerate in glass Mason jar

Yield is two cups.